Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Any holds,. any temperature, anytime!`

Overheard about me I can brag about

"Yes you can! (climb) "any three moves in a row, any angle, any holds, any conditions anytime) ―During a training session, 2010

..."Every once and a while, Echelmeier will pull out these V13 moves" and then go back into remission (or something like that) - a friend told a friend

“Greg is the strongest climber to ever have come out of the Midwest.”Longtime climbing partner, author, guide and friend said to a new climber at an outdoor climbing rendezvous, 2009

“Dude! You're Echelmeier? You're a legend!”A Boulder Colorado climber upon meeting

“Good to hear from a southern climber who is interested in the same areas I was many moons ago . . . Keep it up!  John"  (John Gill) ―Facebook, October 2010, comment by the legendary “Master of Rock”

"I'm beginning to understand the true essence of setting. My mind is now finally open to new ideas and possibilities. This is all thanks to Gregory Alan Echelmeier"Facebook, 2011, comment by a local gym setter and strong climber after commenting in question to one of his new routes.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My toes

Dr. Visser operated on my toes. I cannot climb for a few more weeks, but look forward to a rewarding spring! I decided to get both done at the same time as it takes 6 weeks to heal and restrengthen the joint. I had what is called a Youngswick Decompression Osteotomy. The problem began when I was a teenager I believe, climbing shoes and climbing certainly didn't make it any better, but the problem I inherited from my German side of the family.

There and back again...

I drew a map a while ago to a very special place.

Early winter, 2009

Friday, February 25, 2011

What I know is climbing hard in Missouri.

Hills have great boulders. 
Dreams, really. That's the place I start at. 
Led me to this one!

    A 45 degree overhanging gorgeous beauty.

...Now I just have to send it! The left arete is cool, but the face on the right side is great! It is just really hard! I like that.

We Climbed

We lived together. Even if just for a few days, we shared a climb or two.
We have shared many climbs together. I hope we will continue to do so.

What I lost in climbing

I lost my love for the forests, mountains, streams, once. I could be quoted as saying, "hiking is just transportation". This was depression speaking.
I began to climb. (8mm)

(2004) I took several years off bouldering deep and hard; this is a process I went through and now (for two years now) am back climbing fully strong, alive, and healthy. This movie was my 2nd celluloid film hand edit (with an opening shot on DV that I managed to intertwine for a computer based projector presentation and the like, here). This was a very personal work projected just once. Looking back, I believe it simply shows the essence of fighting really hard against unwanted things to get back to where you feel rested, and home.

What I love about climbing

The adventure. The movement. The unknown.

I am from Missouri.

This is Bouldering

Written on October 2nd, 2009

This is an expressive image of how much I love bouldering. Enjoy.
Words are original from notes.

"I have dedicated my life to bouldering. And my family. When I die, I will have shared this love with those who have touched me. Far more rewarding than climbing on top of boulders is having family that is good. Next to that, is bouldering. Bouldering. But real family first. Marry that with bouldering, and the humility brought sends you far. Have a doppelbock, sit back and relax, enjoy the nature around you... this is bouldering."

(When the above holds mutually true to your love of bouldering and life, you are truly bouldering. Bouldering is the presence of so many things, not the absence of things. Just gear.)

A Guidebook

I said I would never do this. But I figured my argument is closed. I am opposed to rock consumption, but not to select sharing to further consummate some great climbs and memories! I have a lot of friends who push climbing, and themselves (I hope you do, but remember, you can't test yourself, just push). Some wish for a guide. Understood. Look forward to a guidebook. It is select and for you.

The Manifesto we left blank. But it basically had to do with, do not consume rock. Climb rock. There is more than we can do alone. We will not name things stupidly, or we will not name at all. Ratings are hogwash. "Pathies" only read guidebooks and come to climbing areas with closed minds to fulfill comparative testing purposes. We love climbing. We will find more rock to climb. We have found great rock to climb. We have climbed great rock.

"We climbed so much here, and inbetween the lines "

This here is the Playboy Boulder. We must've climbed 10 new lines here in two days. The "Night at the Playboy Mansion" is the best. At other areas, we were afraid we'd die topping out, so we kept away from topping out, climbing several lines to wet, treacherous lips, then dropped. Nothing stopping us from climbing is very rewarding.

Some samples from the copy:

Greg and Joe's Select Highlights Guidebook to Southern Illinois and Missouri Backcountry Bouldering For The Not-so-Whiney But Adventureous Boulderer!


Ghost Dance Canyon
"Crazy-maker" V6 Climb the seam. Big boulder problem. Harder variations start low (up to V10) , lowest best start with right in undercling crimp and left on iron edge crimp up and left to avoid breaking fragile iron holds.

The Towers
 "The Hunter" Start low. Don't fall in water. Great, fun, mbig moves. Rewarding, exhilariting top out on the FA. Ask Joe and I! Easy. V3

The Graveyard
 "Millipede" Unrated. Hard. Traverse roof left to right starting as if you were coming out of the ground, finish way out on right. Crazy moves!
Project. Jump start to edges has been done. Start on wall, go out roof. Is it possible? Perhaps! 

The Playboy Boulder
"Night at the Playboy Mansion" Sit-down climb up mini-face
2 problems around back on steep iron-laden walls. We loved it. Kinda loose, rock climbing at its best, for all you whiners and sissys out there. Easy-moderate.

The Spot
"Swisher Sweet" Starts low to pocket to 
"The Black Rider" you top it out, I am too scared.

Gum Springs
"Wounded Bee and Black Dog Roof" V5 Full Jump Start V6
Other easy climbs left, including "Meet the Ivy" warmups and others.
You'll see more to climb, too.

Beech Hollow
Steep, dangerous climbs.
We didn't do much. Beautiful area!

Other Areas Included...

Vulture City
The Beautiful Girl's Backyard
Lou Dean's Nest
And more


A New Mountain
Numerous boulder problems, easy to hard. Secret area.

The Waterfall Area
"Sweet Stout"
Relatively secret area

Sliver Mines
"The Spider" no rating
"The Block" unrated
Water's Edge Traverse

Mill Stream Gardens
The New Slabs Dan
Shark's Overhang
The Ground Is Higher
Big Scary Climb

Elephant Rocks
See Matt Bliss' guidebook Sandstone Warrior and respective projects
Consider in book
Consider numerous more projects
Great rock.