Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Back in tennis shoes from the post-surgery boot! Am wearing my Brooks Cascadias, great trail running shoes, the best. Treats my feet well.  Four more weeks to recover fully. ...Thankfully I can shower today! It's been too long (2 weeks)! I'm healing fast!

I saw the xrays today, great work. What a grueling process it has been. I could have killed on day two the pain was so bad. But it's nice now, not even any more scabs from the allergic reaction to Steri-Strips (peeled em right off, blood blisters the size of my palm). Nice to see titanium screws show up well, too. So good to be able to move a bit again! It has been great timing to do this surgery, as I was getting burnt out after 8 months of hard bouldering, and am inbetween jobs. Prognosis: good!

Xray 2

Xray 4

DOB is wrong.

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