"Cramped, damped, and dingy affairs, but the benefits enormous," as Ben Moon had said (on wood holds in cellars). Proud to have stayed and trained in the S7 district, as, "The American," I was called. I wore army boots then, go figure. Fellows didn't want me to go to the nearby army shop, but gladly accepted me into their dole homes and gym and pubs. I was 19.
Great link
And if you haven't read Jerry's
Revelations, read it now.
Superb book.
I kinda was a 'Goth kid' that year, but not really. I was totally independent, a virgin, judged to be a heroin addict and weirdo, but was just an artist, had black hair, liked what i liked at the time, at 19 I knew EVERYTHING, yet in England kept my mouth shut, was poured my first beer by Johnny Dawes and fellow mates, was eating my health food of. Rice out of bags, and just wanted to see how and why these British S7 boys were so strong! I brought back to America, and I am not afraid to say, people were afraid of my wooden half pad and 1/4 pad slopey edges out tiered roofs.. I had no climbing partners! I got it,! I felt so alone!
Then, adding to the story--I have many unpublished ones, I am trying to open up more-- in 1995, Jake 'The Snake' Slaney, Christian Griffith, and myself set the routhes that Chris Sharma and Katie Brown won. It was now 1 year later, 1995. The paradign shift began! I am so happy us kids broke through and showed the grandfathering that we wanted just mentors, people who inspired us, but above all, could climb rock and holds and feel as free as climbing allows us to be. Yes!,Yes!!! We just all love to climb!
And tell me your stories!
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