Friday, November 18, 2011

John Gill's website

John Gill's Website
A Climbing Memoir   1953 - 2011

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Green Corner

It's now fall and perfect, so back I go.

Reminds me of Camp 4 perfect granite (photo taken last summer)

Yet another stout unclimbed line in my Missouri.

From last year, climbed several great lines:

Last summer, a classic!

See video above  (or here)
Great move to square block edge, dicey feet, classic

A nice little garden
"The Spider"

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Build a Wall

How to Build a good, solid, simple wall. One you can always have, can move if need to, and can always rely on for great sessions and training.

This one is portable, panels held together with bolts and nuts, 8' x 10', with an extension 8' by 2' for higher ceiling basements/cellars. Perfect training wall, easy to build, half-day project.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Classic Guidebook Rediscovered!

Just rediscovered in the basement among old gear, books, and maps the long lost St. Louis Rock Climbing Areas guidebook by Jim Thurmond, written in 1994. It has been a joy rock hunting with Jim over the years, and he truly is both the legend and the enigma of Missouri climbing history, completely dedicated and driven and a good old friend of mine. Good climbing times Jim! Here's to you!

Here are the first few pages from his book (click link below):

Jim at Silver Mines just last year

Remote Shawnee National Forest bouldering

Just a photo.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

New blog discovered

Good words, especially how the author connects with nature and the rock and moments he and others have and share climbing. Hope to read and see more!
The ILLustrated Man